Thursday, December 16, 2010

Eat, Pray, Love

I love the book, I love Elizabeth Gilbert. I believe that she gave an account of her year traveling and spun it toward grace and revelation within her own aesthetic values the way that all of us who make things do.
But that movie is complete shit balls.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

New Feet

I had a body work session with Chiara this morning. I cried, I talked about what I was feeling, I imaged, I mobilized energy blockages, and then I got to have new feet all day. I took my new feet on the first walking meditation of my life. I blissed out on my new feet. I ENJOYED standing. I walked slowly, slowly, slowly around Capitol Hill. I let my feet spread out on the ground for the first time in my memory. Descending the stairs was a full five minute adventure. The front of my ankles let go. It was incredible.  My face had more color in the mirror and my eyes were brighter. I was shiny and new and I walked around thinking, "I think I just love everybody."
Then I got stalked by a scary man in Trader Joe's who was clearly magnetized by my shiny newness.  He followed me around the store and then got in line behind me at the checkout, standing right up on me. I mouthed to the checker that he was following me and she stalled him while I made my get away.
I ducked into Madison Market and called my mom while I calmed down. I tried to hold onto my new feet but it was hard to talk, worry, and feel the energy flow down and out of my feet. Plus, I remembered Chiara telling me to practice just letting everything go.
I got my feet back some on my slow walk home. I thought, "Wow, the Universe sends tests right away." Then I saw a tiny long haired dog going poop on the sidewalk. It had a little poop dangling from it's fur and I thought, "Oh good, the Universe sends jokes too."
Got the feet back at home with the shoes off. Lost them again at Victrola doing homework. Back really strongly in the bath. Currently, replaying the Trader Joe's stalker to Adam over dinner has spun my mind off into the Vritti's and they feel the most gone yet. I'm trying to just let it be, and to be gentle with the experience of anxiety high up in my chest after experiences of calmness, soothing, and grounding. I know that is just how it goes at first with anxiety.

I proposed to Chiara, but she already has a boyfriend.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Next Dance Cinema

Whoops! I forgot to tell you that a dance film by Randi Courtmanch, which I danced in, was screened at the Northwest Film Forum as part of Velocity's Next Fest series. I had to miss it because I've been taking so much time off of work for yoga training weekends that mama is broke.
If you had to miss it like I did... here it is!

traces from Randi Courtmanch on Vimeo.